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South Tyneside Sexual Health Support National Sexual Health Week 2024 
When it comes to sex, do you worry more about catching an STI, or catching feelings? Using condoms is one way to practice safer sex, but if the brain is the body’s biggest erogenous zone, how do we protect it?
For decades Brook has taken a holistic approach to sexual health, recognising that physical and emotional well-being are inseparable. But with mental health in decline and STIs on the rise, it’s more important than ever to talk about how the two intersect. That’s why for Sexual Health Week 2024: Are You Feeling It? we will be shining a light on the inextricable links between mental health and sexual health and demonstrating the positive impact of early intervention.
Brook will amplify the voices of those whose mental and physical well-being have been impacted by stigma and explore the vital role RSE plays in helping young people develop healthy minds as well as healthy bodies.
Brook will also celebrate our own experts and bring together professionals from across the mental health and sexual health sectors to share their experiences, address the challenges they face, and provide tangible solutions to improve health outcomes.
To book your appointment here at South Tyneside Sexual Health give us a call on 0191 4028168
Supporting National Sexual Health Week 2024
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