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Join our BIG conversation about women’s health 
The first national plan for women’s health, launched in 2022, sets out a 10-year ambition to boost the health and well-being of all women and girls.

Here in the Northeast and North Cumbria, we are making our own plans to make things better for women and girls, as part of our women’s health programme.

The NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) is working with Healthwatch to better understand experiences of health and healthcare. We want to know what’s working well and what we could improve.
So, we are having a BIG conversation! One part of this is a survey to share your views. We want to hear from people who have experience of women’s health issues or accessing health services. The survey will only take 10 minutes.
If you fill in the survey, you can join a prize draw for a £100 Love to Shop voucher. This survey closes on 8 September 2024.
Please complete the survey by clicking the following link Women’s health… the BIG conversation (
Join our BIG conversation about women’s health 
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